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What is the Regional Skills Partnership?

Focusing on Wales 
Regional skills areas

The Regional Skills Partnerships (RSPs) exist to drive investment in skills by developing responses based upon local and regional need.

There are four RSPs:

  • South East Wales Cardiff Capital Region Skills Partnership
  • North Wales Regional Skills Partnership
  • South West Regional Learning and Skills Partnership
  • Mid Wales Regional Skills Partnership

RSPs are an important component of the regional skills landscape, providing labour market intelligence to Welsh Government. They are woven into key policy documents such as the Apprenticeship Policy Statement, Employability and Skills Plan and Net Zero Wales Skills Action Plan. The intelligence and recommendations they provide at a regional and sub-regional basis, together with other sources of intelligence, are key to informing policy development, the design of programmes and deployment of skills funding. RSPs are also supporting City Deal and Growth Deals across Wales, acting as strategic partnerships on all matters relating to employability and skills.

Every three years, the RSPs produce Employment and Skills Plans which analyse the regional economic challenges and potential growth sectors, and give a snapshot of the current and future skills requirements for each region. This plan can influence Welsh Government on prioritisation and deployment of skills funding including Apprenticeship and Further Education allocations. 

Focusing on Mid Wales

The Mid Wales RSP was established in 2022. Working across Ceredigion and Powys and taking into consideration the priorities of Growing Mid Wales, we strive to bringing together employers, skills providers and stakeholders to analyse the skills demand and provision within the region to influence change.

Our priorities

  • To function as a partnership which works with business leaders and stakeholders to identify current and future skills needs across the region.
  • To bridge the gap between education, skills and regeneration to create a strong and vibrant economy underpinned by innovation, growth, and a capable workforce. 

Our deliverables

  • Produce and analyse labour market intelligence to inform current and future priorities.​
  • Review regional skills provision.
  • Influence decisions on skills, training, and education.​
  • Act as a strategic body that represents regional interests.​

The Mid Wales RSP also supports the Growing Mid Wales Growth Deal by working with project partners to scope and understand the skills requirements of the Growth Deal investment. Once these skills are identified, the information is collated and used to lobby providers and Welsh Government for changes in provision.

Our Employment and Skills Plan

As part of a plan to take a more strategic, long-term view of the skills system in Mid Wales, in 2023 the RSP launched a three-year Employment and Skills Plan.  

Since then, our work with the newly established business-led cluster groups has significantly influenced the skills agenda, giving the RSP a clearer picture of what is happening in our region. Our labour market intelligence and this qualitative data have informed significant changes in the Mid Wales economy, indicating higher growth predictions than initially forecasted. In July this year we published the update for this plan. Visit the new Employment and Skills page to view the plan. Our Employment and Skills Plan

Working with our sector experts in the Cluster Groups, commisioning Lightcast to carry out a sector employment and skills analysis and drawing from our own Skills survey - profile the business sectors.

The Plan outlines the key findings across the business sectors which have influenced the priorities for the RSP over the next 12 months: 

  • Careers information, advice and guidance 
  • Work experience 
  • Leadership and Management 
  • Addressing the gender gap in specific sectors 
  • Net Zero 
  • Fit for purpose training provision that also addresses attitudes and behaviours in the workplace 
  • Improve access to apprenticeships and degree apprenticeships.

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